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Writer's pictureAndrea Duran

5 Tips to Create Compelling Cold Email Copywriting that Increases Your Open Rate

Updated: Aug 2

When working at cold email copywriting, you typically have a small window to get your reader's attention. Here are some pro-tips to enhance your subject lines and ensure you don't end up in the spam folder.

Yes, we know. When addressing a copywriting task regarding cold email creation, the last thing we want is to end up in the dreaded spam folder. And even more so, as copy creators, we want our subject lines to be concise, to the point, and attractive to the audience we're targeting.

Despite the fact that there is no golden recipe that ensures your recipient opens the email, at Salezilla we've developed a proper strategy that increases open rate. If you're on the quest of creating a massive cold email campaign, that targets specific profiles in a B2B environment, these tips are for you. Read on to learn directly from the experience of our specialists

Consider Who Will Read the Email

Even before you start creating copy, the first thing you need to do is conducting a proper research of your target audience. If you know who you're writing for, it's easier to understand their industry's needs and their company's pains. Targeting the correct audience will make your open rate rise.

Use Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Brainstorming

Artificial Intelligence allows you to get the creative juices flowing. Credit: Unsplash
Artificial Intelligence allows you to get the creative juices flowing. Credit: Unsplash

There are several myths regarding Artificial Intelligence (AI) use for content creation. However alien it may seem at first, algorithms are great tools for brainstorming. Think of it as a necessary lift to get the creative juices flowing.

"I think ChatGPT and any other AI copywriting tools could be helpful in terms of inspiration", shares Operations Manager Keyona Toney. Especially, when you need to create a great volume of copies for different companies and industries. In the end, however, the human touch will always be yours.

Avoid Spam-Trigger Words in Your Cold Email Copywriting

The psychology of a cold email campaign is to make the email look like a human wrote the email. However, we do depend on the inboxes' algorithm to stay away from the spam folder. What are spam-trigger words, exactly?

These are words or phrases "that raise red flags with email service providers", reports cold email platform Instantly. Over the years, they identified some words that are definitely spam warnings for inboxes. You can consult it here.

Keep Your Cold Email Copywriting Conversational

The psychology of a cold email campaign is to make the email look like a human wrote the email
The psychology of a cold email campaign is to make the email look like a human wrote the email

Think of it from the recipient's perspective. On a regular workday, the least thing you want to deal with is automated responses and emails, that are clearly sent to thousands of people. That's why, your cold email copywriting needs to be casual, yet professional.

Aim for a tone that's to the point, and avoid a sales-y writing style. That's when the cold email copywriting becomes tricky: you are selling a product or service, but you don't want it to sound like it.

Get to the Point Quickly

Even though the first lines of your email could be intended to create empathy with your reader, the faster you get to the point, the better! Here are some main points to consider:

  • Shorten your sentences

  • Reduce your overall word count

  • Avoid using jargon

  • Choose simple words (these usually are only a few syllables)

  • Use paragraphs that are only a few sentences long

Still Struggling with Cold Email Copywriting?

Leave it to us! We create cold email copies everyday for all kinds of industries. At Salezilla, we optimize B2B lead generation by efficiently identifying high-quality leads using machine learning algorithms. Request a demo or book a call with us!

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